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High Power Output
Bifacial module exceeding 460W
144 dual cell + poly & mono PERC technology
Power range 335W-460 W
Low power loss in cell connection
Bifaciality is as high as 75%

Certified Harsh Climate Panels
Better anti-shading performance and lower operating temperature
Minimizes micro-crack
Certified to 5400 Pa positive load and 3600 Pa negative load
30 Years Linear Power Output Warranty

High Energy Generation
• Up to 30% additional power gain from backside
•Up to 24% higher front side power than conventional modules
• Low temp coefficient (-0.35%) and NMOT increases energy production
• Higher power from same installation footprint as standard modules
Easy to Install, Wide Applications
• Frame design enables compatibility with standard installation methods
• Safe and easy to transport, handle, and install like normal framed modules
• Deployable for ground-mounted utility, carports, and agricultural projects