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Water Pumps and Diesel Pumps
Our water pumps are fully automatic and turn on when you turn on your faucet and turn off when you turn off your faucet using a built in pressure switch.

FLOJET QUAD II WATER PUMP 'QUIET QUAD' - options available from 3.2-6 gpm in 12V and 110V
Quad II Water System Pumps include a bypass valve which greatly reduces pulsating water and pressure switch chatter. Smooth flow up to 6 GPM. Eliminates the need for an accumulator tank. Easy to install, service and winterize.
Open Flow: 3.2 GPM
Amps @ 10psi: 3.9-7.9
Runs dry without harm to the pump
Easy to install, service and winterize
Size: 3.75" Height x 6.3" W x 9.9" L

The LVM range comprises of 12 and 24 volt submersible, inline and self priming pumps and pumping kits. All pump fresh water, sea water and diesel
Powerful 280 or 500 GPH at 14 psi.
Diesel, fresh and sea water.
Rapid diesel refuelling / transfer with no spillage.
Water transfer/clearance.
Deck showers.
Deck/anchor wash.
Bilge clearance in tight areas.
Continuously rated.
Should not be run dry for long periods.