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Contact the store nearest you for a Free quote today!
30% Tax Credit
for Residential, RV/Boat Solar, & more
50% Tax Grants
for Commercial Systems

Free Quotes

For over four decades Northern Lights has been manufacturing generator sets proven to withstand the extremes of the Arctic North Slope to the deserts of the Middle East. RES provides reliable and efficient backup power generation to augment an off-grid system using these quality generators. High copper content within the brushless generator end enables motor starting. The hand-wound, skewed stator makes electricity with a symmetrical sine wave for today's sensitive electrical equipment. The generators are designed for portable, prime or standby applications and each model meets the US EPA Tier II emissions standards. Every unit arrives factory tested and ready to connect to your system.

Save up to $10,000 on a Generator with the FNSB Wood Change-Out Program
The Borough is currently offering the Wood Stove Change-Out Program for properties located in the PM2.5 Nonattainment Area.
Funding is limited so apply today!
Completed forms can be mailed to or placed in our dropbox by the front door:
3175 Peger Road
Fairbanks, AK 99709
For More Information
For more information please email Air Quality or call 907-459-1005. Please note: A scoring process will determine the priority of fund distributions, and an application may be denied that does not receive a high enough priority score. Funding is limited and is not guaranteed unless a purchase order has been issued.